Interior rendering


Working with UC Davis

The University of California, Davis is committed to provide equal access to design and consulting agreements and other business opportunities with the University within the limits imposed by law or University policy. 

Based on Regents' policy, federal and state laws, regulations, case law, and results of UC's dispute resolution, this manual includes information on operations and administration, planning, design, construction contracting, and facilities management.

The following resources are provided to assist Consultants prepare designs appropriate for the University of California, Davis campus:  

The Physical Design Framework establishes the criteria the campus will use to judge the success of proposed projects with regard to planning and design. It describes the principles underlying the framework; sets the context of the campus, including geography, climate, development history, key challenges, and recent successes; demonstrates development opportunities for the unique, distinct character of the Davis campus; catalogues the design elements and campus-wide systems that create campus coherence; and delineates the design review and approval process.

Select Physical Design Framework Appendices

This manual contains criteria (including preferred and required products as well as mandatory design constraints) to aid the design professional in the development of a successful project and to meet the requirements for construction on the UC Davis campus.